We’re glad you’re here and hope to see you in person some Sunday.
Please note that beginning October 13, 2024, we are temporarily meeting on Sundays at the ballroom in the
Historic Whitelaw Apartments (1839 13th St. NW, at the corner of 13th and T Streets).
New Community Church is a recovery and resurrection church in the tradition of Jesus’ call and vision articulated in the Beatitudes. We are small in number, vast in vision, diverse in membership, informal in style, and dedicated to putting our faith in action by embodying and sharing God’s love and alternative Way of life in Jesus in all areas of life, personal and public.
New Community Church began in 1982 as a neighborhood-based church that is racially, culturally and economically mixed. We operate both weekday and Sunday ministries in the historic Shaw Neighborhood near Howard University.
New Community Church has its roots in and approach to membership from the Church of the Saviour founded by Gordon and Mary Cosby in 1947 in Washington, DC.
Vision, Call and Affirmation of Faith
Our Vision:
“God’s Kingdom come and will be done on earth as in heaven.”
Our Call and Mission:
To be a local and multi-denominational expression of the Body of Christ in the tradition of the Church of the Saviour at 614 S Street N.W., Washington, DC and the surrounding neighborhood.
To carry out a holistic ministry, linking both weekday and Sunday ministries together as one Church.
To build a caring, sharing and inclusive church membership that is Christ centered, biblically based, Holy Spirit led, draws the lines of commitment clearly and fun to belong to.
To practice a holistic Christian spirituality and ministry that integrates the personal, communal and social dimensions and implications of the Gospel.
To call forth and nurture everyone’s gifts as we discern and follow God’s call for our lives and community.
To develop leadership from within the church and neighborhood.
Our Affirmation of Faith:
I believe in the One God: Creator, Redeemer, Holy Spirit.
I believe that Jesus is the Christ, Son of the Living God. By faith, I commit my life to Christ and to bringing all aspects of it under His control.
I believe that I am a sinner, saved and forgiven by the love and grace of God through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
I believe in the absolute power of God’s unconditional love given through Christ. Because of God’s love for me and the world, I will seek to love all others, which includes the earth, as God has loved me in Christ, knowing this is only possible through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Church of the Saviour Inclusivity Statement:
The Church of the Saviour is an ecumenical Christian community, made up of eight small churches, rooted in the radically inclusive teachings of Jesus Christ. We believe that in our diversity, each of us is an image-bearer of God, equally valued and loved. We welcome all individuals to join in the life of worship, fellowship and ministry in any of our small faith communities. All of us have an essential role in bringing God’s love, justice and mercy to our world.
Something beautiful for God and for the neighborhood.